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lördag 8 februari 2025
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Managing Attorney to Dun & Bradstreet, Technology Compliance & Digital Responsibility (R-16392)

15 januari 2025

Why We Work at Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet combines global data and local expertise to help clients make smarter decisions. With 6,000+ people in 31 countries, we are a team of diverse thinkers and problem solvers who all share a common curiosity: to find new ways to turn data into value. If you share this curiosity and want to be part of a future-ready company, come join us! Learn more at

The Managing Attorney, Technology Compliance & Digital Responsibility is a key member of Dun & Bradstreet’s Global Compliance & Ethics (GCE) leadership and reports to the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO), who is based in the United States.

The Managing Attorney will serve as the lead regulatory attorney for Technology Compliance and Digital Responsibility globally. In this role you will have the opportunity to build and lead a new Technology Compliance and Digital Responsibility Center of Excellence (COE) in the GCE team responsible. This COE will serve for advising and supporting the Technology organization worldwide on regulatory requirements and leading compliance initiatives related to digital and technology regulation.

The Managing Attorney will partner closely with other GCE teams and Global Security & Risk (GSR) on emerging digital and cyber regulatory readiness, such as integration of requirements for digital operational resilience and artificial intelligence systems, and will develop, manage, and continuously improve standards that can be effectively operationalized across markets and functions.

This is a hybrid role – partly in the office in Solna, Sweden and partly work from home/travel. It is expected that work from the office is 2-3 days per week except when traveling. This role can be located in Stockholm, Frankfurt or London.

Key Responsibilities

  • In this role you will serve as the lead regulatory attorney to the D&B Technology organization, advising on the application of regulatory requirements to systems, applications, infrastructure, and digital service providers.
  • Partner with GSR and other Technology teams to oversee regulatory accountability for Dun & Bradstreet ICT systems, ensuring that they meet applicable regulatory requirements and can be effectively integrated into compliance reviews.
  • Partner with Technology teams to oversee data transfer and data residency requirements for D&B ICT Systems and infrastructure, including cloud service providers, and advises commercial and functional leaders on key issues.
  • In coordination with GCE Program and Operations, manage the GCE Systems compliance register in alignment with enterprise configuration management databases and asset inventories.
  • Establish and continually improve its risks and controls standards, including for artificial intelligence and other emerging digital technologies.
  • Partner with the GCE Data and Product Compliance COE to ensure that regulatory considerations for technology systems are evaluated and documented consistently across products, solutions, scores and analytics.
  • Lead regulatory reviews and oversees policies and standards for cookies and other digital tracking technologies, including D&B solutions based on these technologies.

You will also;

  • Partner with Sales, Alliance and other Commercial Team Members, GSR, and Third Party Compliance to address regulatory and compliance issues related to the technology components of the engagements.
  • In coordination with the GCE lead regulatory readiness attorney, the European Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy leader, the CECO, and other COEs, leads the regulatory readiness and compliance initiative efforts for the following types of laws and regulations from horizon scanning to industry association engagement to leadership and functional briefings to customer training and engagement: Artificial intelligence laws and regulations, Digital operational resilience laws and regulations, Cybersecurity laws and regulations, Biometrics laws and regulation.
  • Support the business with other applicable technology-related laws and regulations.
  • As a member of the GCE Leadership Team, leads, monitors, and reports on certain key annual global roadmap initiatives supporting the continuous program of the GCE program, Legal department objectives, joint objectives with Technology, and sustainable growth with integrity at D&B.
  • Partner with the European Group DPO, Technology, GCE Corporate Compliance COE, and GSR on incident and breach response involving systems and technology issues, and supports the remediation, retrospective analysis, and risk management of those issues.

To be successful in this role we believe you have;

  • Law degree is required. Additional relevant certifications, such as AIGP, CIPP/E, CIPM, or CIPT, preferred but not required.
  • at least 12-15 years of legal experience, preferably some in-house, with at least 5 years of experience in a combination one or more of the following areas: privacy, data protection, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, cybersecurity, and digital operational resilience.
  • Experience from leading a team is a merit.
  • Customer-focused, commercial-oriented, and innovation mindset. Comfortable translating complex legal requirements into operational controls for business and technology teams.
  • Excellent judgment and decision-making skills. Demonstrates strong aptitude for evaluating a range of risks and effectively communicating relevant impact to business owners.
  • Driven team-layer motivated by bringing colleagues and stakeholders together to maximize successful outcomes. Prioritizes teamwork and team-based success.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both Swedish and English.
  • Prior experience with regulatory outreach and advocacy and participation in industry and trade groups.
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage complex projects and programs.
  • Comfortable with change and have a curious mindset!
  • Demonstrated ability to regularly adjust and re-prioritize to meet multiple stakeholder and organizational needs as well as an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
  • Passionate about technology, data, and data-driven.
  • Willingness to engage deeply with technology, data, and product teams locally on data and technology matters.
  • Comfortable communicating with prospects, customers, and other constituents about data, technology, and compliance.
  • Outcomes-oriented. Strives not only to get things done well, but to demonstrate the value of contributions.
  • Experience with ethical decision-making, values-oriented compliance, and supporting a culture of compliance preferred. Risk management experience preferred. Agile, scrum, lean six-sigma or other operational excellence experience a plus.

Why Join Us?

Does this role sound like a great opportunity but you’re not sure about making a move? We are really proud of our company and culture and think we have some great things to offer. Some of our benefits in Sweden include:

· Two paid volunteer days to contribute to causes in your community
· A paid day every year to use for your health and wellness
· Instead of half days before public holidays, you will have 4 additional full days a year for you to use to celebrate what is meaningful to you
· Annual wellness/sport benefit
· Collective agreement, pension, insurance and parental pay allowance
· Access to free services providing support and counselling
· Flexible working arrangements and hybrid work arrangement for most roles

Whilst some roles do have certain requirements which are essential, we try to focus on hiring based on potential rather than CV as much as possible. If you are unsure you fully meet the requirements, we would still love to hear from you!

All Dun & Bradstreet job postings can be found at and Official communication from Dun & Bradstreet will come from an email address ending in

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Solna - SwedenLegal /Employee: Full Time /Hybrid


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